As it was one of my student's birthday we decided to go sliding on one of the hills that surround the village. Three polar bears had been killed the day before when they strolled into town unnanounced, so we felt safe. Here is Suzanne and Melissa getting ready to drop in.
It had recently snowed so the temperatures have thankfully risen a little, which made this excursion possible. A couple of weeks ago it was consistently in the low 20's and 30's during the day. One night the wind chill went down to -49 and on another the wind hit 100km. I am very glad Sayard and I do not pay for our heating at times like that.
Livina and Elaisa.
Livina, Mellisa and the beautiful expanse.
A couple of new faces here. Elaisa, Annie, Livina, Mellisa, and Lucasie.
The slope was steep enough here that we didn't need a sled.
Lots of laughs were heard and I am sure the kids slept well that night. I know I did.