Monday, April 10, 2006

Fort of Dunadd

This is Dunadd. It is difficult to believe today, but between AD500 and 900 this was one of the most important places in Scotland. For this was the capital of the original kingdom of Scotland. The location of the fort is high up on a rocky hill, which as you can see was quite the trek up. Neil is being a gentlemen and helping his mom up.

Where's Waldo???

Here Sayard is placing her foot on a very important spot, for it is thought that the ancient Kings were inaugurated by placing his foot into this rocky imprint. 2006, the Queen has finally arrived.

A view of the surrounding country side. The fort had a prime location as all trade arrived from other parts of Europe by the body of water you see in the distance.

It was good to have my parents here and take in history such as this.

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