Saturday, May 27, 2006


House party up at Kingnussie with the History folk. A lot of fun was had by all!

Crazy ladies

Anna and Fiona

Check out these dancing queens...Annabel and Carwyn.

The Dargie...aka. My history professor.

The boys....Pino,Carwyn,Graeme and Scott

"Hanging with my hommies"

My buddy and me:)

The next day we took a walk through Glenmore in the Cairngorms.
A beautiful location, suprisingly full of history.

The group taking a rest at the Turquoise Loch.

Here I am sitting on an ancient pagan ritual site.

Glenmore was once to home to 5 Highland villages, which were cleared out years ago. This house is all that remains of the once vibrant community.

The girls enjoying the beautiful day in a beautiful setting.

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