Sunday, April 15, 2007

March Break

Although it was not particularly warm we did have some very sunny days on our march break. Friends like Jimmy and Aurora took us out on the land where we did some sliding, snowboarding and tea drinking.

Neil happy to be back on a snowboard.

Enjoying the warmth of the tent, tea and bannik.

Here we are climbing a mountain in order to slide down it. Oh what fun :)

This is Aurora, a fellow teacher who is on maternity leave. The jacket she is wearing is called an Amautik, it is made to carry babies. Her baby, Elsie, is snug as a bug on her mama's back.

Jimmy, Aurora's husband, is attempting to make an igloo.
Although the igloo didn't come to fruition, Jimmy still had fun showing off on his ski-doo.

Neil also wanted to show off, but not being an expert ski-dooer, he took to his snowboard. (Note: Neil is the tiny black dot at the top of the mountain)
This slope was particularly steep and the snow had begun to soften from its usual concrete like consistancy which is really just a case the severe wind we receive in the arctic packing the snow down. I still had to be cautious about where I dropped in because I did not want to hit a patch where the edges of my snowboard had nothing to grip onto.

We also headed out towards the Hudson Straight, with Taqa and Isabelle. Neil got to drive a ski-doo the whole way, and seeing that we made it to our destination unscathed, I'd say he did an excellent job!

As you can see, we were literally in the middle of nowhere. Poor Sayard looking cold as usual.

This was a summer camp that we came upon. There was something slightly spooky about this place.

Another day out with Jimmy and Aurora. Here Jimmy is pulling a Qamutik, a sled used for pulling people and stuff.

The edge of the bay.

This is a traditional Inuit summer tent.

Aurora and Elsie inside the tent, warm and happy.
Taqa and Neil taking a break from playing outside.

We definatly enjoyed the great company, fun activities and amazing sights on our first March Break in the North.

1 comment:

Alexi Hobbs said...

hey guys, just wanted to say hello and tell you that all these pics are awesome !