Friday, December 16, 2005

Sayard's Birthday #1

Sayard, Neil and Katie at the pre party bash at rez.

Josh, the lone American, Alelxandra and Megan... the Canadians.

Katie, Carrie and Sayard at an Irish pub, called Finnigans Wake. Let the drinking begin.

Ben leading the chorus.

Rob and Ben, two wild and crazy guys...

Happy to be reunited after 6 weeks with the young'uns.

What did I say something wrong?

Carli and Neil.

The Ladies...other wise known as Bobbi, Carrie, Carli and Sayard.

The Couple.


Anonymous said...

Hey Sayard!
Bonne FĂȘte! Looks like a super time was had by all.
Where are all the pix of Neil dancing? C'mon Neil, get out on that dance floor!
Hope all is great with you guys. Enjoy your time off for the Holidays.
xx Shannon H

Alexi Hobbs said...

happy birthday sayard !

hey neil, i totally dig the shirt...

Anonymous said...

happy birthday sayard!
I dont really know you, but from one sayard to another, it looks like youre having a grand ol' time.