Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The Somme

For the remainder of the third day we made our way to the Somme. This is the area where the most disastrously and deadly battle of W.W.I. took place. On July 1st 1916 thousands of commonwealth soldiers marched into no mans land and faced almost complete annihilation. As we drive about the country side the amount of cemeteries we saw makes you aware of just how many lives were lost. Below are three such cemeteries that we saw here at the Somme.

This is Thiepval, the largest memorial on the Somme with over 72,000 names on it. To think that the bodies of the soldiers were never found made me feel unbearable sad. You never really understand the destruction of W.W.I until you see it with your own eyes, and even then you can only imagine.

Lets hear it for the boys. This group of 60 fourteen year olds were extremely well behaved and respectful on this journey. I had an amazing time, and know that we all will have amazing memories of the time spent exploring the western front.

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