Here is my good man Hamish. He is the most popular of all the Highland Cow, and calls the town of Dunn his home.
Neil and Hamish eating their scones.
Here is Neil and fellow Canadian Graeme at Loch Lubnaig
Loch Lubnaig again.
Not much of a picture, but this is a cairn which commerates the massacre of Glencoe. The English were having trouble controlling the Clans in the mid 17th century, so William the Orange made all the clan chiefs swear alligance to him. However one part of the clan MacDonalds had trouble getting the message thru, so William the Orange decided to make an example out of them by having the Campbell Clan sent to massacre every man, women and child. Clans still had a tradition of showing complete hospitality to each other. So when the Campbells arrived the MacDonalds put them up and feed them for 12 days,but on the 13th the killing began. Obviously many of the Cambells could not bear to kill their fellow countrymen whom they had got to know so well, and only 38 were killed. To this day the name Campbell, in Glencoe, is still frowned upon. One pub we passed actually had a sign above its door reading "No dogs, No Campbells".
Neil taking in the scenery of Glencoe, as the rain hits him sideways
Amazon or or highlands.....????
This is the view we saw as we entered Glen Nevis, located in the Western Highlands.
Neil standing in front of the falls of Glen Nevis. Scenes from the movie Braveheart were filmed at this location.
The group on our way out.
Here is the world famouse Loch Ness, and if you look really hard I swear you can see Nessie.
The man behind this enterprise gave up his regualr life as a insurance salesman to spend the last 15 years looking for Nessie.
Partying it up, Inverness style.
Here is Graeme and our tour guide Carwyn, both of whom are in Sayard's History class.
Here is Katie, also a Canadian from Sayard's History class, and Carwyn who you met in the last picture. As you can see he seems to have had a bit to drink, and this being after he declared "Guys I'm only going for one pint, as I do have to drive you all around tomorow."
A lovely view of Inverness in the early morning. This is the captial of the Highlands.
Imagine trying to give directions to this place. I'll have to brush up on my Scots Gaelic while I'm here.
A view of Glen Affric, a National Reservation.
More of the same.
Hi there!
Neil almost fell into this, quite scary, but afterwards funny.
Scotch pines, they live to be 500-600 years old. They used to cover most of the land mass of this part of Scotland, but now only cover 1% of the land.
Heather, this plant grows almost anywhere and everywhere in the Highlands.
Urquhart Castle on Loch Ness. As you can see there is some significant damage, as it was bombarded by the English during the Jacobite Rebellion.
A view from the Walk of Bruar, a picturesque journey into the woods.
Our last stop on the trip, dirty and tired but extremely satisfied.
No drunk pics of you? What is going on? hehe
The pics are amazing. I wish I was there instead of being here this morning!!!
It looks like you're having a good time over there, I'm really happy for both of you (Hi Neil, I've never met you but I heard a lot about you!).
Well, keep posting, I've put you in my favorites!
ah well hallo there wee man, good to see you are getting on in yer homeland. ah've met sum grrreat scotsmen meeself, herrre, down unda. let us know how ya go, my man. cheers.
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